Southern Indiana might conjure images of rolling farmland and charming small towns, but beneath the surface, a revolution is brewing – one led by women entrepreneurs. While history books document the achievements of the past, the future boasts a narrative yet to be penned, and it's women who are holding the quill.

Poppin Flavors

Let's explore the exciting chapters being written in the story of women in SoIN! Meet Tracy Brown of Poppin’ Flavors in Jeffersonville. Tracy made the jump from a career in healthcare to entrepreneurship, all in the midst of the pandemic. Now, she and her husband Alfonzo have a family owned and operated business that is looking to support others just getting started. Keep reading to learn more about Tracy.

Who inspires you?
Born in a two-parent household, I was raised around a lot of women. My mother has always displayed dignity and grace, my sisters who have shown me strength and perseverance, my aunts who were encouraging, my girlfriends that kept me focused, the women of  St. Stephens Baptist Church these women, have taught me to be present in my space, and constant reminder that God is with me.

It is difficult to pinpoint specifically one woman who inspires me. I am surrounded by inspiration.

What unique experiences have you faced as a woman entrepreneur in your industry, and what exciting possibilities do you see for the future?
Opening a business in the midst of COVID was a challenge. Making the decision to transition from healthcare was a challenge. Working full- time with my husband & children was a challenge. Creating and recreating work- life balance was a challenge.

Poppin Flavors

However, on the flip side, being a woman in the gourmet popcorn industry has presented unique opportunities. Our customers often appreciate diverse perspectives, and being a woman entrepreneur, has brought an innovation and a fresh approach to product development, marketing, and customer relations. Additionally, the growing trend of supporting women-led businesses, with an emphasis of being a black-owned business provides a chance for increased visibility and market appeal. Building a brand that emphasizes quality, creativity, and a unique touch in the gourmet popcorn space has carved out a distinctive niche and attracted a broad customer base in Southern Indiana

I am avid about creating relationships with women. With our partnerships we plan to:
1. Finalize our non-profit Poppin with a Purpose, a scholarship opportunity for students who plan to attend college, and major in entrepreneurship. 
2. Increase our local partnerships 
3. Increase our Social Media presence 
4. Expand Poppin Flavors to additional areas in Southern Indiana and Louisville

How do you commemorate Women's History Month within your business?
I believe that you should surround yourself with women, who are not afraid to mention you in a room that is full of opportunities.

This month, we will start a gift center that will be available for women entrepreneurs who have a tangible product that can be resold at our store.  We are also in the process of developing a women's event that will focus on start up, and development of business.

Share a message of encouragement to fellow women entrepreneurs, especially those starting their journey.
Tomorrow is going to come anyway, don't be afraid to start. Even if it's a slow start, take a chance on yourself… remember a little girl is watching you.

Making a Difference: Suggest local initiatives that could further empower women-owned businesses in our community.
Participate in the local area organizations, SoIN, 1si (One Southern Indiana), etc. Look on social media for women networking opportunities.

What is your perfect day in SoIN?

Huber's Girls Trip

Our family enjoys several things in Southern Indiana. On date night we enjoy going to Baer's City Winery in New Albany, as a family we enjoy going to New Albany Sugar Shoppe for candy and Macaroons. On beautiful spring days or summer evenings, we enjoy taking the trip to Huber's just to sit and enjoy time together.

You can keep up with Poppin’ Flavors on Facebook or their website

Women like Tracy are not just building businesses; they're building legacies, paving the way for future generations to dream bigger and reach higher. This is just a glimpse into the history yet to be made by women in Southern Indiana business. The chapters are waiting to be written, the stories waiting to be told. One thing is certain: the future is bright, and it's female-driven. It's time to turn the page and witness the her-story unfold, a testament to the power, resilience, and ambition of Southern Indiana's women entrepreneurs.

Meet more of Southern Indiana's women business leaders:

We’d love to hear your favorite women-owned businesses! Share their businesses and tag @gosoin on Facebook and Instagram!